As the title says this is just here for those that want to get the preorder early and get it at the discounted rate for the month of january and now, to get some freebies if you order in this timeframe
I just would like to get these up and made as soon as I can
(NOTE FOR NETHERLINGS: I want to give the option of doing multiple colors but I have to order a certain amount per color, so I'll start with the base purple, and for every 50 I sell of it I'll make another color variant. May do that with the others like Dewdrops and Lunartists and Pipsqueaks since there are different versions of it. If I reach more sales, I'll send and email to everyone that orders that one and ask if they would like the variants (so make sure you email is correct so you can get it)
Also there's an option to get multiple plushes, can be of the same mascot or different ones, just say which ones you want to get on check out
Also just leaving Roscols off this listing since i have an example of that one, but if you pick the multiple plush option you can pick a roscol with it